Gaga, I love you to death!!! And i'm serious, but I think your new album cover for born this way needs to be improved, but just a little. I think people and your fans think it looks a little photoshopped and "cheap". I don't think it looks cheap at all but I do have some miniscule changes in mind. I love your sense of fashion with Thierry Mulger lately. Very chic, very you. So I was thinking maybe instead of you being a bike, you could be on the bike with your leg just standing with either your thierry knife shoes or the ones that you've been wearing a lot recently without heels. Ya know, the ones that kinda resemble Noritaka Tatehana's heeless shoes. And your holding onto the handles of the bike, so your still keeping that chic rocker edge but still appealing to your fans. And, for me personally, I love your hairstyle and facial expressions too. Just some ideas, I mainly wrote this comment because I really do genuinley love you and I just would love to see you skyrocket with fans and appeal to everyone of every genre of music. Your so talented and beautiful, and you were born that way. Loves, say hi to the haus for me.
- Brady Burt, 19 April 2011
Hello Gaga,
Look my twitter, I made a tattoo in your tribute.
- Mônica Rodrigues, 17 April 2011
First and foremost: Gaga, (and of course those lovely beings of Haus Of Gaga) you are truly, truly awesome.
I'm studying architecture and if my creations, my art can inspire/transcend just one person in the same way that your art speaks to those who embrace it, then I shall die a very satisfied woman!
"All in all, the creative act is not performed by the artist alone; the spectator brings the work in contact with the external world by deciphering and interpreting its inner qualifications" Marcel Duchamp.
Thank You.
- Little S., 17 April 2011
hi gaga i'm going 2 your concert in mtl!!!!
- , 17 April 2011
Hello Lady Gaga!
I'm Lucy and I whatched Ur monster Ball Tour at Milan and Zurich! fantastic and magical show and super performance. I read 3 biography of U, but U can make surprise every day!!!!
The new song, born this way nd Judas are very beautiful!
I wait Ur album and hope see U in an another tour!!!!
- lucy, 16 April 2011
Hello Gaga,
Look my twitter, I made a tattoo in your tribute.
- Mõnica Rodrigues, 15 April 2011
Dear Mother Monster,
I am your biggest, biggest, biggest fan EVER!! xxxx}: AND I AM YOUR SUPERMEGAST FAN EVER IN THE WHOOOLE WIDE WORLD!! i love u sooo much and i care about you soo much. I hope u didnt hurt yourself when u fell of the piano at the Monster Ball? I care for your safety! xx}: Plz can you follow me on twitter cuz i looove you soo much!!! LOVE YOUR BIGGEST FAN!
- GaGasSuperFan Estelle, 15 April 2011
LOVE U MOMMY!!! Please come back to Kentucky we all love u!!<3<3<3
- Little Hayden Monster, 14 April 2011
Love you mommy <3
- Angelina Germanotta, 13 April 2011
Gaga you´re the most amazing artist that ever exist :)))) We all love youu.. So when is the Judas video coming out? :P
- Erik, 19 April 2011