Hello Gaga,
Look my twitter, I made a tattoo in your tribute.
- Luna Lima, 1 May 2011
Gaga it's Alexandra and i loooved your show
- , 30 April 2011
Hi mother monster!!! i love you a heck of allot, I love your music so, so much and i would love to see you preform in Puerto Rico!! love you!! have a monster life <3
- monster heart bracker, 29 April 2011
GAGA mother monsters , I'll always love you the best, but do not understand what you mean by the song "Judas" I'm strange, facebook for the little monsters, Enrike a sad , i was born bi up venezuela
- italo vera kik3 'Mosters, 28 April 2011
Gaga, you are the most inspirational artist in the world! Your music helps me through so much stuff! Thank you and please come back to Vancouver, I never got to see you and I would love too! <3
- Justine Martins, 25 April 2011
Lady Gaga I love you muchoooooo <3
- Adam Daniel, 21 April 2011
hi I'm alexandra I'm 11 .Can't wait to see u in mtl in 5 days!!!!u r my idol!!!LOVE YOU
- , 21 April 2011
Gaga and her Haus, thu are the best ART of the Century :)
- David from Italy ;), 21 April 2011
Hello Gaga,
Look my twitter, I made a tattoo in your tribute.
- Luna, 20 April 2011
Miss Gaga,
Your videos are just about the greatest things on tv and the internet, and sure this may be a little way out there. but I would like to make two requests for maybe future videos. Take'm or leave them if you want that's cool eather way.
The first Idea is a video of you and David Bowie maybe proforming "space Odisity" on a set that looks like you guys are in space. Kind of think that shit would be epic.
The second idea is something kind of like Paula abdul and DJ skat cat video from the 80's. but with you and Japan's Miku Hatsune. Miku is not real but a pop idol that's resides in a computer. I'm pretty sure that at the vary least the japanese would eat that shit up and Anime nerds like my self would think its the greatest thing in the world.
Well that for my two cents.
Keep up the greatnest
- Mike, 4 May 2011