and please tour in the U.K. in 2012! im dying to see you live xxx!
- M.C., 30 June 2011
Gaga i adore you! you inspire me no matter what anybody thinks i know i can be myself thanks to you! xxx
- M.C., 30 June 2011
- nathan little monster michael, 29 June 2011
hi gaga i love u sososoososososo much u are my favorite person in the world, i really want to meet u and sing for u ! LOVE U MOTHER MONSTER
- amanda, 29 June 2011
You are amazing mother monster, paws up to you. You are my inspiration you are my hero! $)
- Zak, 28 June 2011
she is such a babe ,she is one of the most humble people i have seen
- junior monster, 27 June 2011
You are amazing and the best compliment i'm able to tell you is "You Are Thue Little Monsters"
Et vive la France !!!
- Rachid Monster, 25 June 2011
I think you are so brave for showing your baldness. you are amazing!
- ryan cowman, 25 June 2011
I want to come work for you guys!!! I would love to make and design stuff!! lol =)
- Enya Koster, 23 June 2011
When is lady gaga's music video for hair coming out I've been waiting forever. Even though I made up my own music video for the song I want to see the real one. By the way because of gaga, I want to become an artist or a person who makes up music videos.
- Shishi Disco, 30 June 2011